Most of the home remedies that can help with health are natural such as herbs and spices.
Can Green Tea Reduce Lung Damage?
Reduce Lung Damage from Smoking with Green Tea | ||
According to a new study published in Respiratory Medicine, green tea extract may help to offset some of the damaging effects seen in the lungs of a smoker after exposure to cigarette smoke.
Green Tea and Lung Damage From Smoking:
The Study Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. As you may know Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Find out why you may want to sip green tea if you’ve ever smoked cigarettes. |
Why would green tea extract reduce lung damage from smoking cigarettes? | |
Researchers believe that the polyphenols, particularly EGCG, found in green teamay help to offset oxidative damage seen in the lungs of a smoker.
Cigarette smoke contains multiple compounds that can damage healthy lung tissue not to mention many of these compounds are known cancer causing agents. Because EGCG and the other polyphenols in green tea function are antioxidants, they may help to reduce lung damage from smoking.
Can drinking green tea reduce lung damage from smoking?
Researchers exposed one group of rats to both cigarette smoke and green tea extract and another group to cigarette smoke only. Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting regular green tea drinkers may have lower chances of heart disease and developing certain types of cancer. Green tea has also been claimed as useful for weight loss management a claim with no scientific support according to medical databases such as PubMed. It is best to consult a licensed physician before trying any alternative medicines
Of course, this doesn't mean that green tea negates all of the negative effects of smoking. For one thing, this study was done in rats and it’s unclear whether green tea has any effect on the lungs of a human smoker.
Secondly, just because green tea extract reduces lung damage from a tissue standpoint, it doesn't necessarily mean that it reduces the risk of lung disease or cancer. Image: |
Lung Disease Alternative Medicine | |
When it comes to reducing lung damage from smoking, black tea may also have some effect. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that black tea prevented oxidative lung damage in guinea pigs exposed to cigarette smoke.
Black tea has lower levels of polyphenols than green tea, so it would seem that green tea would be of greater overall benefit. Other nutrients that have been associated with a lower risk of lung cancer are lycopenes found in processed tomatoes and lutein found in green vegetables such as leafy greens and broccoli.
How Green Tea Compares in this study
Two control groups were exposed to air and green tea extract for a period of fifty-six days. A new study shows that green tea may offset some of the damage seen in the lungs of a smoker.
The results? The rats exposed to cigarette smoke and green tea extract didn’t develop the type of lung damage that usually occurs with exposure to cigarette smoke. The rats only exposed to cigarette smoke clearly showed lung damage typical of a smoker’s lung.
Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown.
These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time.The rats given green tea also showed fewer markers of oxidative stress than did the mice exposed to cigarette smoke and no green tea extract. |
Lung Disease Alternative Medicine | |
Ex-smokers often have microscopic lung damage from smoking that persist even after they quit. Apparently lung cancer risk significantly drops once a person has been smoke-free for ten years.
Getting natural antioxidants from green tea, fruits, and vegetables could help to protect lungs from further damage due to exposure to secondary cigarette smoke and pollutants in the environment. The first priority should be to quit smoking, but even after you do, consider adding green tea to your diet.
Reference: |
What your Fingernails reveal about your Health
How to Achieve Healthy Nails | ||
If you are one of the few woman who do not have acrylic nails you may be wondering why your nails are weak and brittle or do not grow long. It could help to learn more about what makes your fingernails healthy and what are some signs to determine that you may have a more serious disease or condition.
Living skin cells is what makes up the fingernail which is mostly composed of Keratin a hardened protein. Our nails grow faster in the summer and usually beat our toenails in growth speed. Signs of Illness
Your overall health whether its good or not will show up in our body, from our skin to our fingernails, especially signs of disease can be detected with little things as white spots on our nails or ridges, may be showing that there is problems in our liver, lungs or heart.
Signs of serious illness such as anemia and malnutrition can be seen with very pale or white nails. Liver problems and Hepatitis may show in nails that are white with a darker rim |
Nail Health symptoms | |
Dry brittle cracked nails are common among women who do not get enough moisture and can be caused by a fungal infection. Red and puffy skin around the nail is sometimes the sign of lupus or a connective tissue disorder. Nail abnormalities may be caused by many factors, only a dermatologist can give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment suggestions. So make sure you get informed and follow up if you notice any changes in your fingernail condition. Image: |
Nail Health Diet | |
Eating a balanced diet is a good way to protect your nails and improve the condition of your fingernails. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin for nail health that along with Biotin is a nutrient for nail growth.
Protein is important to build calcium in the nails, you can increase your intake of fish or omega 3 supplements, while amino acids build keratine. For stronger nails it is recommended to use oils such as flaxseed oil and primrose oil.
Strengthen Nails Naturally
Apply moisture and keep nails clean and dry, also keep them trimmed and out of hard water, wear gloves if you are going to be using harsh cleaning agents, also avoid nail polish remover with acetone. Winter months will require that you use a hydrating lotion.
Filing nails in one direction will lead to stronger fingernails which can weaken from excessive swimming, doing dishes or soaking in a bathtub. Oils can get rid of dry brittle nails as well as smooth out any split surfaces. Eating foods with botin include eggs, soya beans |
Eating the right foods for Healthy Skin
Stay Hydrated for Clear and Clean Skin | ||
When it comes to healthy clear skin, water provides moisture and drinking plenty of it will hydrate our cells. Skin looking young is the goal of many, the following will discuss which foods will provide the best anti-aging treatment for your whole body.
Green tea helps reduce the risk of Skin Cancer
Many books have been written on the many positive benefits of drinking green tea, overall skin health is possible from the anti-inflammatory of polyphenols which is a chemical substance found in plants.
Studies show that the damage from ultraviolet light from the sun is what causes damage to our skin, learning how to protect our skin is vital for long-term health. Green tea is both a beverage as well as used in Asia, China, Japan as a method of traditional medicine. Image: Pixabay |
Brazil Nuts and Other Foods for Healthy Skin | |
Foods such as tuna, and whole wheat cereals contain selenium with the richest dietary source being brazil nuts which can help with sunburn cell formation in the skin. Its best to try and keep the selenium levels high to copper, vitamin E and Vitamin A to help prevent oxidative damage and minimize risk of cancer.
Are there healthy oils for your skin?
If you were wondering about eating good healthy oils it is true that essential fatty acids are good for you. The ones to look for are the cold pressed, or expeller pressed in flax seed oil, omega 3 and omega 6 because you will get all the nutrients that is good for your body.
Two tablespoons a day is recommended to avoid high in calories. It is the healthy cell membranes that acts as a barrier to waste products, while providing nutrients for younger looking skin. Image: |
Skin Care Diet Treatment | |
Skin treatment for a glowing complexion starts with good food and a balanced diet. Vegetables such as artichokes are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals of other foods such as blueberries, blackberries and plums help protect the cells from damage and disintegration. Biochemist has suggested that some skin conditions such as acne and eczema may be linked to diet. The better your skin will look when you start to pay more attention to what you put in your body versus what you put on your face. Image: |
Skin Nutrition starts at Home | |
Eating the right foods for Healthy Skin
Homemade skin care remedies are a effective and efficient way to a natural face lift for skin rejuvenation that can only be found in your kitchen. Healthy skin begins with reducing fine lines appearance while smoothing at the same time, some of the best ingredients used include a egg and some sugar. egg whites help tone the skin due to it having amino acids and protein. You will notice how the yoke tightens and cleans.
Lemons are used to help with oily skin and helps close pores, the amounts of vitamin c help with collagen production, and its the keratin that provides the skin with strength and flexibility, after you squeeze on the lemon juice leave on for a few minutes and pat dry for a anti-aging appearance
Non Surgical Facelift Recipes | |
For dry skin you can achieve the natural glow and moisture by using pitted cherries, rub them over your face and rinse with warm water. The antioxidant of the red pigment help protect against free radicals that damage the skin cells. |
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